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Loopback problems

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 1:31 am
by bdejong11129
I am following the native install and all is well up until this line.
mkdir /mnt/loopback && mount -o loop /mnt/hda2/rootfs /mnt/loopback

Resctoox:> cd /
Resctoox:> ls
BIOS dust linuxrc mnt sbin usr
bin etc lost+found proc share var
dev lib root tmp
Resctoox:> mkdir /mnt/hda2 && mount /dev/hda2 /mnt/hda2
Resctoox:> ls
BIOS dust linuxrc mnt sbin usr
bin etc lost+found proc share var
dev lib root tmp
Resctoox:> mkdir /mnt/loopback && mount -o loop /mnt/hda2/rootfs /mnt/loopback
mount: Mounting /mnt/hda2/rootfs on /mnt/loopback failed: Not a directory

I cant get it to work no matter what i do. It boots just fine, what could it possibly be?

Re: Loopback problems

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 2:02 pm
by clpalmer
Can you split the command in two.

mkdir /mnt/loopback
<ls that dir and verify that it exists>
mount -o loop /mnt/hda2/rootfs /mnt/loopback


Re: Loopback problems

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 8:05 pm
by bdejong11129

Tried that one, still no go. its the weirdest thing ever. I REALLY want to use Gentoox, but for the life of me I cant get the rootfs issue sorted out.

I installed xebian native to the hard drive and setup samba in no time, but Gentoox is what I WANT to use. there has to be another way to get this file copy done.