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Web install and netboot

Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 1:40 pm
by RensoreK
I have the latest BIOS which is 6.x and it doesn't see my native install, I know this has been discussed (seems most people go back to v5.11 of the loader.)

My DVD drive is getting dodgy and I was wondering if there is any possible way I can install GentooX over a network? My install is a headless server and its a huge task running it to the nearest tv to read the output. Any help is greatly appreciated!

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 8:20 am
by cheesyboofs
You are correct this has been discussed and resolved the least you could do is read it!
You have two options if you wish to run BIOS 6.x
1. Format the storage area to ext3
2. Create a separate ext2 boot partition /boot=ext2, /swp=swap, /storage=ext3 or ReiserFS

I will be updating the TUT at some point this week.